Monday, May 4, 2015

May 3-4 2015 Chub Cay

The weather is consistently cloudy, and breezy this morning.  No, that’s not quite accurate.  Its darn windy! 

We've seen quite a few boats arrive and then depart over the last day or so.  This morning, a 84 foot DeFever came in as a Grand Banks was leaving.

Not sure where they are all headed but the open waters are showing 7-9 foot waves.  Way to bouncy for us.

Forecasting models all disagree but there still lingers this chance that we may see a sub tropical Low tropical form right over us.  Actually the latest predictions are giving it an 80% chance of it forming  with sufficient strength to be honored with a number and a name.  If it is a named storm, the name will be  “Anna” so they tell me.  But for now we’re just staying here and waiting to see what happens.

And inside the church
We decided to try and find this other restaurant, Bonefish bar and grill out near the airport.  At the beginning of the road there is what appears to be a newly built church.  Mary had to peek inside.

The road leading there is basically a dirt road with little pockets of houses.  Not houses, but HOUSES!  Large.  And the landscaping on some is impeccable but they all are exquisitely designed from what we could tell just walking by.  
We're located at the blue dot.  Airport runway is at the top of island
Google maps isn't to terribly useful here. 
Turn left at the pink wall to go to the airport
After a mile of walking on this dirt road with the tree canopy we followed the curve of the road by the pink wall/fence along one of the houses and another ½ mile there was the airport
The main road.  And the road to the airport
As we approached we watched a twin turbo prop plane take off.  He climbed up and banked out across the ocean and then made a bee line for the airport and seemingly right at us.  He had a slight down angle and at first I thought he was going to crash, but he zoomed low right over the runway and then made a steep climb up to clear the trees that lines the other side of the runway.  I couldn't get the camera out in time or I'd have had a picture.

A subtle wave of the wings and then he sped off to the north.  Not sure what that was all about, but it was interesting.
Airport office
We went into the little building which serves as a terminal of sorts and spoke to 2 men who seemed to be some sort of officials in part because of their badges and belt radios.  I asked about the restaurant near the airport and they directed us to the Bonefish grill which was just off the runway facing the water on the banks.

Waling to the little yellow bar along the runway
The path to the bar
We followed the little path to the place and walked in.  Three other people were there along with the smiling, bouncy bar tender.
Bonefish Grill.  The runway is behind the building
Inside the Bonefish Grill
No food because Saulie, the owner and cook was in Nassau.  So we were limited to drinks.  We sat at the bar for a few minutes and I had nice conversation with one of the guys who works at the marina.  Well, its really a marina/resort.  We spoke mainly about the lack of priorities and the non-working washing machines and dryers.  He said he’d see what could be done.  Nice man!

After a few minutes we walked outside and sat on the porch to finish or beers.  Went to use their bathroom(s) and then headed back across the runway to the road and back to the boat. 
Runway Walker
The whole journey was about 3 miles so tomorrow when Saulie returns we’ll walk back this way again for lunch.

Chickens in the Constable's back yard
As we arrived at the marina basin we had to stop at the local constable's house and observe the chickens and the little chicks.  And the damn rooster who crows at 4AM.  He avoided us.  The others just ignored us.

Sorry Kath.  I cant tell what kind of chickens they are.  But we asked the the constables wife if she was able to collect any eggs.  She replied no, because she can never find where they lay them.  But lay they do because there are a good dozen little chicks running around.

I left Mary at the boat and continued on to check out the rest of the marina/resort.
Pool overlooking the beach
Main clubhouse near the pool
It seems this place has been a destination for sport fisherman since the 70’s.  It was bought by some investors early in 2000 and worked progressed until the initial cash outlay was exhausted and the bank foreclosed.  It sat undeveloped until a few years ago when an Oklahoma oil baron bought it and started pouring money into developing it into a first class resort again. 

The marina is deep, with floating docks and is very well protected in a basin.  The new houses they've built are stunning.

The working machine has its li up
But … 

The showers and bathrooms are decrepit, the washers/dryers don’t work, and the grounds are all torn up with construction going on.  If there were any other marinas around that we could reach in a short time we' have gone there and by-passed this place.  But on the upside we aren't banging around in a rolly anchorage in these high winds.

All the laborers here live in well worn housing resembling single wide trailers.  The supply boat arrives every Wednesday or twice a month depending on who you talk with. 
The "plush and really clean bathrooms"
The grocery store.  Actually rather well stocked.
The beach is very nice as is the pool.  There were 6 boats anchored off the beach when I walked around it.  The pool, an infinity pool, wasn't really being maintained.  It was quite nice or so thought the 20 or so sea gulls happily bobbing up and down in the cool fresh water.

When I returned we made dinner and watched some satellite TV before turning in.  A three mile walk did us in I guess.

This morning, Mary and Judy had a yoga session here on board.   

I took the opportunity to repair the bottom of the dinghy which had some pretty big gouges.  I used epoxy with an adhesive binder, just layering it on and smoothing it out.  Filled a few more gouges around the boat before it hardened to the point where it became unusable.  

We decided to do some laundry and sure enough there was 1 washing machine that worked.  NO dryers.  So we did sheets and stuff and then brought it back to the boat to air dry.

While we were waiting we hung out in the store for awhile and I talked to a guy who lives in the Bahamas and was considering running back to Florida to day so his friend didn't have to fly to Nassau and then get a flight to Ft. Lauderdale.  But he reported the Bimini Ferry which runs between South and North Bimini wasn't running due to weather.  And that’s only a few miles.   Not sure if anyone would be flying today though.  Its really windy again!

The airport here does have a sort of charter/commercial flight to Nassau.  Think it was only $289.  And the landing fees are only $29.

Yesterday we gave our phone number to the bar tender who assured us Saulie would call when he arrived because we wanted to return and eat lunch.

Well, no call, and when we tried calling his phone just rang until it hung up.   So, unsure of what we’d find after walking all that way, we sucked it up and went to the restaurant here.  I was expecting a $25 cheeseburger but it was a reasonable $9. 

After lunch we walked over to the pool and chatted with a nice Alabama couple who, along with 3 other couples, had leased the 120 foot Hargrave yacht that was here in the marina. 
4 couples on this yacht for 2 weeks.  5 crew members take care of them
They have been returning here for 20 some years and he talked about how much we’ll enjoy the Exumas.  “They are remote, but so wonderful”, was his mantra.  We just have to get there now!

Mary had gone off to walk along the beach and we all followed suite and met an English woman off one of the sailboats who was letting her dogs run the beach.  They are sailboat veterans (30 years) and had some interesting stories. 

We returned shortly after and now are just waiting for the rain to start.  As it looks now, Thursday morning might be the day we leave. 

A few sprinkles passed over but nothing drenching.  We used the water maker tonight and then had the forward A/C on for awhile.   Since we skipped the $40/day for a 50 amp electrical hookup we cant run everything we normally do at a marina.  And one of those things is the hot water heater.  May have to run the generator for an hour to heat water so we can take showers on board.  30 amps isn't a lot I guess.

While Mary remains transfixed by the TV and dancing people who are vaguely well known, I've taken up to reading some of the books we have on board.  Some visitors have noted my library is far from a collection of compelling novels.  But they work for me so I guess I have them all to myself.

Still waiting for this drenching downpour we were supposed to be experiencing.  It would be nice to get all the salt washed off the boat.

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