I went below into the engine room and pulled off the generator fuel pump. It was leaky so I tightened up the top face plate nuts which were surprisingly loose! This has to have been the cause of the fuel leaks.
Meanwhile, LeAnn went off kayaking somewhere back in the mangroves.
Next I pulled the generator raw water pump. It's leaking from its weep hole indicating some loose seals so I decided to send it to Depco, a pump rebuilding company. After I had the pump out, I rode to the UPS store to send it off for a rebuild. New ones are $300+. A rebuild is half that.
And since I was right next door, I made a stop at Publix too. Come to think of it I always seem to be dropping in on a Publix.
And since I was right next door, I made a stop at Publix too. Come to think of it I always seem to be dropping in on a Publix.
Curt and Marilyn stopped over and we went to Sparky's in Key Colony, a little community just north of Marathon. Shrimp and wings were cheap during Happy Hour. It serves as dinner.
After that we all went to watch the sunset at sunset beach in Key Colony. This is where the energetic locals pass out lyrics to a song which is sung as the sun goes down. It's pretty silly but there a few who take this very seriously.
Not much singing going on here but a lot of laughing |
Returned to boat, watched Frasier and went to bed. Tomorrow we take the dinghy down after I fix the bilge pump wiring yet again. Very high winds over the next few days mean we wont be using the dinghy much and LeAnn won't be able to go out to the reef.
We took the dinghy down and went out for a ride sans the dog. But before that I filled it with the gas we had in the gas can from several months ago. And I made more permanent wiring connections on the bilge pump wires.
We headed up into Boot Key Harbor marveling at all the anchored boats. Then went through Sisters Creek where there were more boats anchored. We did go out in the ocean for a ride. It started out a little rough but up on plane the dinghy held its own so we continued around Boot Key, through Seven Mile Bridge via Knights Channel and up to Banana Bay Marina where Steve and Sharon on Stevedore are staying. But they weren’t there. They had taken the boat out to test a new anchor and were right around our marina about the time we left.. We probably just missed them coming around the island.
Mary wanted to eat a Lobster Reuben at Keys Fisheries. So that’s where we went. All three of us ordered the Rueben and all three of us could only eat half.
We did meet a nice couple there from Madison and talked for a while. Then we headed back to Banana Bay to visit Sharon and Steve but they had cruised out to Crane Point and anchored for lunch but she forgot to text me. So we didn’t see them but notified a couple relaxing on the sand at the marina entrance to let Stevadore know a dinghy full of people were looking for them.
We took Knights Channel back to the boat and with the forecasted high winds the next few days we brought the dinghy back on board and also the kayak. I washed them all down and then closed up the east facing windows where the predicted winds were going to be blowing.
LeAnn, followed by Mary went off to the pool. I tagged along later. Clouds were obscuring the sun so it was cool. I cant find my key card so had to ask Mike, an RVer I know, to let me in the gate.
Mike is one of a dozen RVer's here in the Marina's RV park. Most of the RV's are Class-A Motorhomes, big fancy behemoths usually towing a small SUV or car. They do what we do, cruise around the country except on the road. Mike has been returning here for at least 10 years, enjoying the winters here and the summers up in Maine where he has a small summer home.
Mike and Loyd, another RVer were chatting up LeAnn for a while while Mary and I sat around until after 5. Mary had to go feed the dog and LeAnn went back so I hopped in the pool and talked with the guys for awhile before we all left.
We decided to go out to eat and walked to Castaways. LeAnn seemed to enjoy the sushi. We took their courtesy electric golf-cart to the highway and walked back to the marina. 2 episodes of Frasier and then it was to bed.
I called Enterprise car rental to get picked up but they didn’t answer until the fourth time I called. They don’t do pickups down here because they only have one person on staff. Instead they reduce the rental amount if you provide a cab receipt. Here a cab ride to the airport from anywhere in Marathon is $5. Not for any particular reason, but I called Bob Narley taxi company. Regardless of which of the half dozen cab companies you use, the drivers are usually colorful characters. And the vehicles could also be classified as, colorful and having unique character. In other words, the vehicles are pretty old and are functional ... more or less.
Once I got the car, I drove back to the marina, picked up LeAnn and Mary and dropped them off at the Stuffed Pig while I made a dash to Publix to pick up a few things but more importantly, cash. Using a debit card you can get up to $75 cash back which I do regularly thus avoiding the damn ATM fees. Did I mention the the Stuffed Pig is a cash only restaurant?
I returned in time to order an omelet. After we ate it was back to the boat. LeAnn and I walked to Tranquility Bay to check it out while Mary did a load of laundry. Then I stopped to pick up some more dinghy repair glue at West Marine where I once again paid almost ½ again over what I could purchase it for on line.
Added lines |
It started to rain, then pour as Mary and LeAnn returned. The drenching lasted only about an hour. But then the winds started picking up right away.
We are sort of hemming in the PDQ in front of us |
The boat across from us owned by Ken, is being emptied of personal items. Ken a pilot for Spirit airlines, was off flying somewhere while his wife (Linda I think), a nice lady was moving stuff from this boat to the one they purchased a ways down the dock. We talked while I helped her load up the cart. She just passed her real estate broker license. She was a financial person but got laid off. They are trying to find a place to buy down here in Marathon.
We ended up just staying aboard and skipping Burdines until tomorrow when we take Leann to the airport.
We fired up the oven and warmed up the chicken we had cooked on the grill last night. Very good. Our goal was to get through season 11 of Frasier. I didn’t quite make it, going for a walk in the soothing 25 mph winds. LeAnn declined to join me and instead she and Mary tackled several more Frasier episodes without me.
We fired up the oven and warmed up the chicken we had cooked on the grill last night. Very good. Our goal was to get through season 11 of Frasier. I didn’t quite make it, going for a walk in the soothing 25 mph winds. LeAnn declined to join me and instead she and Mary tackled several more Frasier episodes without me.
I walked to City Marina and it was rocking and rolling in the harbor with these winds. Glad we are tied up to a dock.
Tomorrow we drive to Ft. Laureldale to take LeAnn to the airport.
Burdines! |
Traffic was heavy and sporadic. We had to stop at a mandatory animal inspection station where they were just checking for any signs of Screw Worm. They also dispensed info about it. It's been found on Pine Island , the island just to the south of us. Key Deer are being infected and a few pets have also fallen pry to this insidious little bug.
Yes, Walmart was pretty crowded |
We escaped (20 minutes in a checkout line) and went directly back to the boat by way of a Subway and McDonalds. One must eat dinner after enduring rowdy crowds at Walmart.
A few Frasier episodes and then to bed in the same howling winds we had last night, but much cooler temps. No AC necessary tonight.
I started on our taxes this morning and almost have them completed. Then we drove to Islamorada to see Darlene and Dave. The traffic though was horrible. It took us 90 minutes to go the 30 miles. But that's not unusual on Highway 1, the Overseas Highway, here in the Keys.
We found their place which is right on the ocean and then Dave directed me to a side road leading to a restaurant near their place. We had a wonderful time. Dave ordered the breakfast fajita and, after looking over the menu, so did I. Pretty tasty.
3 things at Dollar Tree ... |
Next was Publix for some necessary items. We somehow bought a whole cart full of stuff.
Back aboard, and everything put away, Mary took the dog for a walk and I cleaned up a bit. We weren’t hungry but Mary wanted her cable hooked up so that took a while. I’d forgotten, just like I do every year, that we have to use a cable box and can't tie cable in directly to the TV.
Once she was mesmerized by some TV show I walked down to City Marina. Back on board I showered. The dog apparently cant relax and sleep until I'm back, showered and in bed with my laptop. Once she's in bed on my pillow, she's snoring and snorting her way into a deep sleep.
The yellow quarantine flag on Rob and Sue's boat |
Yesterday, lacking any chicken soup, we put up a Quarantine Flag on Rob and Sue’s boat. They've both been quite sick and haven't emerged from their boat for days. But they didn't expire because I received a complaint via text message the next day.
Since I had the car for the morning I went and had our empty 20lb. propane tank filled, and the 10 lb. tank for the grill.
Then I took the car back to the Enterprise office at the airport and walked back to the marina. 5 miles. But I stopped at Winn Dixie and noted they had Polar Seltzer water, two 12-packs for $2.99. I like making seltzer and Captain Morgan rum drinks.
Next I swung by K-Mart (yes there is still one here. No Walmart though which is why K-Mart is still in business). Nothing we needed in there.
Then to Publix where I bought a stick of sun tan lotion. Yes a stick. It resembles chapstick but apparently is used to apply sunscreen (sun tan lotion) to sensitive areas like a face. Since it was blistering hot out in the intense sun I bought some and also revived my cash supply. I use Publix as a cash dispensary avoiding the ATM fees.
After that I stopped at Island Time ice cream shop for a small dish of mint chocolate chip and then, revived, continued on to Home Depot where I bought Mary a 100W equivalent light bulb and 2 quick disconnect fittings for our hoses.
Back at the boat we cleaned the forward stateroom, walls and all. Then I cleaned out the shower sump and painted the forward head floor which is teak and holly. And ratty. Now it’s a nice brilliant white.
Mary finished up the laundry and we made the bed after eating dinner on a nice clean grill with a fresh propane tank. Our Frasier episodes were dropping out because of a network issue which I could only trace to the AV receiver. So I re-booted it and it seems to be back to normal.
Took an abbreviated walk to Faro Blanco marina and then showered, retrieved Bubbie from her safe place on the dinette where she scurries whenever the shower is on.
Bed by 9:30. We need our 12 hours of sleep I guess.
Today I worked on taxes and finally got them done.
Later, I cleaned up around the galley and forward stateroom. Then added a second coat on the forward head floor. Looking good now.
Next I took our bike and rode to Kmart and Publix for a few food items and these needle-like curtain hangers. Mary washed the aft curtains and noted the curtain hangers are pretty grungy so we decided to replace them all.
And Mary lugged the last of the laundry over to the marina laundry center.
Today we finished cleaning up the forward stateroom and stowing things. Then cleaned up the galley. Again.
Next we cleaned all the windows. I applied liquid rubber to the big dinghy where the fabric was delaminating from the rubber. Also found another small leak on the micro dinghy and patched that, so if that holds, I’ll start on the small outboard engine. Going to try and replace the reed valves and see if it starts.
Rode to Publix for number 4 cone filters for the big coffee maker. We decided to retire the small 4 cup coffee maker in favor of the big Melitta 10 cup coffee maker with a nice carafe.
Riding back I was near Home Depot when I encountered a large Iguana sprawled across the sidewalk. It was big. Big enough to obstruct the whole walkway. Not wanting to run it over I stopped a foot short of it and stared at him. He responded by lazily rotating an eye up at me, sizing me up for a moment before turning back to scanning the highway.
Riding back I was near Home Depot when I encountered a large Iguana sprawled across the sidewalk. It was big. Big enough to obstruct the whole walkway. Not wanting to run it over I stopped a foot short of it and stared at him. He responded by lazily rotating an eye up at me, sizing me up for a moment before turning back to scanning the highway.
Obstinate lizard! So I shouted at it, something along the lines of. “… move your ass you uppity amphibian”. Again I fell under gaze of a rotated eyeball. It appeared to be unimpressed with my vocal threat.
“Ok. How about this!”, I yelled. And proceeded to bounce my bike up and down and then forward just missing it.
This got it's attention because I was now under the cold stare of two rotated eyeballs. I kept bouncing the bike up and down and after a minute it made a repulsive noise, something between a hiss, a growl and a groan. It sat there staring at me for a few more seconds before moving about a half a foot so its tail left several inches of the sidewalk clear.
I went by leaving it sprawled across the sidewalk waiting to defend its small patch of concrete from others sure to follow.
Today we cleaned the sundeck and also the area behind the couch. And we caught two cockroaches that scurried out from their hiding places.
Later, I epoxied up the dinghy hull where I found a few stress cracks. But the poor dinghy is aging noticeably. It is 10+ years old and has seen its share of heavy use. We have a slow leak somewhere too.
We re-stowed the last of the stuff that belongs in the forward storage area located under stateroom deck up near the bow.
Then we cleaned the heads.
Taking a cleaning break I wandered out on deck and observed that the patch on the micro dinghy appears to be holding air!
Had a brief conversation with the sickies, Rob and Sue, who are beginning to feel better but still under the weather. Rob said he saw 2 green flashes? Is his fever that high?
I hauled out the Bissell green machine and cleaned up the sundeck couch and the sundeck carpeting. Very dirty, but not any more.
Then I put the battery charge on the dinghy battery in anticipation of launching tomorrow after I add some air to the pantoons. I fear this may be heralding the end of its it's useful life. I can patch leaks when we see them but it's probably going to be a losing battle at some point. There are places that will replace the entire air chambers too but I can't imagine how costly that could be.
At City Marina and the park there, the ball diamonds are now occupied with booths for the Marathon Seafood Festival. And Dave and JoAnn arrive tomorrow to stay with us for a few days during its weekend run.
We finished straightening up the boat.
I took the dinghy down and went to city marina to buy a month dinghy dock pass ($200!). Meanwhile Bruce and Rhonda texted us to meet them at Burdines so we did. So great to see them. Later Will and Rosemary, friends and marina mates of Bruce and Rhonda, stopped by. They are all at White Marlin Marina north of us in Key Colony.
They both took their dinghies out on the ocean to get here, a 9 mile ride. Will though only had a 3.5 HP motor so it took him a while longer.
We went back to the boat and I walked into the marina office and spotted Dave and JoAnn talking with the marina staff about staying here next year. They are planning on taking one of their boats, Wayward, a 44 foot Marine Trader, down the coast from New York and keeping it here in Florida.
We went back to the boat with their stuff and had a great few hours of catching up over cocktails. We had planned a party but cancelled because they had arrived late and Rob and Sue were still sick.
Instead of grilling we went to get pizza, took a short walk around the place and then went to bed at the late, late hour of 9PM.
Tomorrow is the festival.
Dave, JoAnn, Mary and of course, Bubbie at 7 Mile Grill |
Next we hopped in the dinghy and spent several hours wandering the festival grounds and buying a few things. We did get a corral lamp … finally.
Finally ... Our new Coral Lamp |
Dave, JoAnn, Mary, Sue and Rob |
We drove to the festival this time and stumbled on a car just leaving a parking lot so we had a relatively close spot.
Scotty Migone, really good guitar player |
Another early bed time. Tomorrow the clocks get turned ahead.
Daylight savings time. We slept until 10 this morning. Well, not exactly. It started to pour so I was running around closing windows. The rain stopped after 30 minutes and it was sunny and hot after.
Dave and JoAnn returned from showering and we had coffee (except JoAnn who likes tea) on the sudeck when Sharon and Steve popped over. So we had a great time with them for a while. Then as we were about to leave for breakfast (it was past 11) we ran into Tom and Connie who own a Sea Ranger almost identical to ours. We talked with them for a while too before we made it to the car and fought traffic to the Stuck Pig, our goal for breakfast.
But is was after noon by the time we rolled in and they were closed. So it was off to 7 Mile again. We were seated and the waitress, who called herself “pudding”, was taking drink orders when Dave suddenly mentioned that we could have gone to Burdines which is our usual farewell dinning place. Oh well.
Puddin is a boisterous razor witted person, quite funny. She and I were trading barbs the other night when I was here and she crushed me like a paper cup. Nothing like a challenge so I called her Puppy instead of Puddin which set her off again. Really entertaining lady!
Dave and JoAnn sadly left to return to their Pine Island place and we trudged back to the boat and gathered up laundry and did a few little maintenance things.
Mary did a couple loads of laundry and I cleaned the hull at the water line. It was quite literally like a jungle of growth. Then took the dinghy out for a speed run to hopefully dislodge any marine growth tyring to get a foothold on the dinghy hull.
We grilled steaks and are now watching Season 2 of the Netflix show, Frankie and Grace, in preparation for Season 3 which begins March 24.
I took a walk back to the festival grounds, but all the vendors had packed up and gone. I had really wanted a seafood Festival t-shirt!
Mary was sick today so I had to take the dog for its morning walk. The dog seems to have a different idea of what constitutes a morning walk than I do. I'm more of a "walk to a spot and do it" type, whereas she prefers the "sniff everything for an hour to find a suitable location for it" type. We clash.
I let them both sleep until 2:15 this afternoon when I rode to the store. I also noted the dog seems to be able to leap up on the bed when she wants too which means she can also negotiate the stateroom stairs when it suites her too. I dare say we have been played by and a wily old terrier.
I spent the morning chatting with Ubiquiti engineers regarding my new software key to enable the lower end frequencies of the 5GHz band of wifi on our Bullet 5 wifi booster. As of now it will only see the upper half of that spectrum. It’s working fine here on the marina 5G wifi but when we are anchored we use my phones hotspot capability and it only transmits on the lower half of the 5GHz spectrum. Ugh …
After a quick dinner I walked to City Marina and then back to the boat and bed. I have to get a car tomorrow morning.
A Chevy Impala, not one of our favorite cars |
Later, Jeff, of Jeff and Mary on a Cherubini 45 next to Rob and Sue, stopped by and we talked for a while too.
Someone I know came up to me on the dock and borrowed my drill the other day. I haven't seen him anywhere around the marina and I cant remember his name nor which boat he's on. Uh oh …??
The guy next to us on the PDQ mentioned that diesel prices at Faro Blanco Marina are 40 cents less than the usual low cost fuel provider here, Burdines! This is surprising because the docking fee's at Faro Blanco hover in the $3 - $4 range, several dollars more than most places.
As I was walking back down the dock I caught sight of Rob and Sue talked with them for a short while. Good to know they are on the mend.
Since the dinghy seems to be holding air, I cleaned the micro dinghy and applied 303 to it after riding to West Marine to buy it. 303 is a PVC protectant and helps retard UV damage.
Later Mary and I walked the dog around the marina.
I was on the internet searching for reed valves since I couldn't find any locally. And I did come across a guy on ebay who has reed valves for the Nissan. He’s sending them to me for $20
I walked to Marathon city marina again and then went through Blue Water Resort and Fara Blanco marina. Faro Blanco has really emptied out, although Daisy was still there.
Up early and left at 9 to pick up Kathy and Dave at the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Their flight was on time.
We left the airport and made a stop near there at Joe’s house to get a bike Kathy bought on eBay. Joe turned out to be rather nice guy. He has pineapple plants all in his front yard. And the bike was an older Schwinn.
Dave did some bike disassembly and were able stuff the whole bike in the trunk.
After Joe's we made a stop at the Homestead Walmart, the closest Walmart to Marathon.
Tired travelers at 7 Mile Grill |
Heidi called to tell me my mother has pneumonia which was a surprise. We may have to fly back to Milwaukee.
I usually walk to City Marina and take a few minutes too look out over the harbor. I was standing there when some young man approached me asking about a dinghy. Turns out he was looking to get a dinghy ride back to his boat on a mooring ball. I think he was too shy to ask anyone, so I stepped up and interrupted some of the old salts engaged in deep discussion. One of them agreed to take the young guy to his boat.
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