The Alabama River Cutoff is really just a river entering the Tombigbee River. And as it turns out this one is deep for about 1/4 of mile into the river. However it is narrow but reported to be a wonderful anchorage. So we decided to give it a try for tonight.
How ever first we had to get there. And it was Bob who gently informed us we have to leave in 10 minutes in order to make it to the Lock by 6:30 am. This was at 6:15. In the morning. In case you may not have picked up on the fact I should state flat out that we don't get up early very well. Looking at us fumble around in the cold and dark is probably humorous especially with the unmistakable wails of "
COFFEE" from certain individuals.
Yes, its that early. Sunrise! |
So we did leave by 6:30 but I was scrambling trying to get everything disconnected and aboard. And then running down the systems and their switch over from dock-side power to internal battery power. Busy 10 minutes it was for me. But we got off the dock and joined the others out on the river and started down towards the Coffeeville Lock.
The Coffieeville Lock is the last lock we have to face until we get to Okeechobee in Florida. We've been through 98 locks so far, beginning in Virginia. Maybe we're getting good at it?.
In the last lock! |
We arrived at the Lock and went right in, tied up to the Bollard and dropped 40 feet without a problem. After exiting we formed our usual line formation and headed south! But only three of us this time since Just Fakin It and Good Grief elected to head down river at a slower pace. We'll meet up with them again in Mobile.
One of the few straight areas on the river |
The river was as before, long and winding. Many switchbacks and in some places we found ourselves less than 1/4 mile from where we were an hour before. We passed a few tows but the most excitement was when I spotted our first gator on the shore. It appeared to be an old log which suddenly rose up and waddled into the river. Wish I could have snapped a picture but I'm guessing there will be ample opportunities in the coming months.
Looking out towards the River from the cutoff |
We arrived at the Alabama River Cutoff and went in about 50 yards and tried to anchor a few times but the anchor wouldn't bite so we moved further into the river and finally got a good hold about 200 yards up from the entrance. Luckliy it was another another wide spot in the narrow channel. Arine E rafted up next followed by Field Trip. We waited a bit to see how the boats would move and ultimately decided we needed a stern anchor if nothing else but for piece of mind.
Felt like I was sitting in a 1st graders desk. |
So I inflated our little 8 foot doggy dinghy and rowed Chip and Pat's anchor out about 100 feet as a stern anchor. Our mini dinghy aint big. Cramped is a more apt description. But it is pretty easy to blow up and launch in a pinch. No motor though. It's a rowing machine.
All settled in for the night |
With the anchor out the swing moderated and we all felt a bit of relief especially since the banks of the river were a mere 15 feet from us. As the sun went down the whole place took on an appearance reminiscent of the movie, The African Queen. Didn't see any reptilian creatures even though others have reported sights of many alligators on the river bank and snakes swimming in the waters.
We had everyone on our boat for drinks and then retired to eat dinner and head off to bed after a few episodes of West Wing. It's a little disconcerting but we're starting to head off to bed around 9pm now days! Kinda hard to sleep late when we do that.
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