Monday, October 21, 2013

October 20, 2013 Pickwick Landing Marina

Dressed for anchor retrieval 
We had planned to all leave Beach Creek Island anchorage by 8am this morning but didn't count on fog.  We had spent a wonderfully quiet night rafted together on our anchor.  When I went out to check the anchor at 4am I couldn't even see the bow of the boat the fog was so thick.  It didn't lift until around 9:30 and we didn't leave until 10am.

I offered our dinghy to Bob so they could run their dog ashore before we left but alas I couldn't get the engine down.  The battery was weak and in the 38 degree temps it just couldn't manage much.  Bob had a charger so he hooked it up and we let it charge the dinghy battery for a half hour.  The motor came right down and it started right up.  Guess I'll need to buy another dinghy battery.

It was a brisk, but clear and sunny day.  Very calm and scenic again.  A lazy river day.

Pickwick Lock entrance
We made it to the Pickwick lock around 4 pm and had to wait about an hour an a half before even getting into the lock.  It raised us up 80+ feet and took about 30 minutes.

When we finally exited the lock but the plans we had for Grand Harbor marina about 10 miles down river were abandoned for Pickwick Landing marina about a mile from the lock.  Luckily Kurt and Marilyn had already arrived there and in the dark they helped us in.  Marilyn's waving flashlight was a beacon.

Day time view.

We all got in and tied up but Mary and I had to go into a slip way to small for us. Our bow hung over the whole main pier and our stern was hanging out 10 feet into the fairway.  I put an orange light out on one of the anchors to warn anyone they'd better duck.   But luckily we know the people on the dock likely to walk down the pier and we wont be staying here tomorrow.

So after that night time adventure most everyone went off to dinner.  We stayed on board and ate and headed to bed pretty early on the evening.

We were sort of hanging over the dock

Tomorrow we're thinking of  going on to Grand Harbor marina where they have a van waiting (so they say) so we can tour the Shiloh Battlefield which is a few miles away.

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