Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1, 2013 2 Mile Landing Marina Cape May,NJ

We left the Delaware anchorage at 6:10am.  On an ebb tide we picked up about 3 knots of speed giving us a startling speed of 9.5 mph over the ground. Astounding since I was only turning 1100 rpm on the engines.  We ended up arriving at Cape May around 1pm, not the 5pm we told the marina.  They weren't expecting us so early and had to jostle a few boats around before we could enter.  There was 20 mph winds and a 2 knot current pushing us into the dock.  We had to go past the dock then back down into the current and wind to keep control and get close enough so Mary could throw a line to them.  Another exciting experience.  You can see the Cape May canal to the left on the map.  Rather narrow and what I'd label a drag strip since every boat in there was full throttle and throwing huge wakes.

Here's where we've stopped beginning at Norfolk and working our way up the Chesapeake and down into Delaware Bay where we'll be until the weather is mild enough to do the 120 mile ocean route to New York.

1 comment:

  1. this blog is incredibly informative. Until we read this, David and I though New Jersey was north of New York. Glad you sent me to public school Dad....
