The move from the Visitor Center dock was necessary because of the anticipated high water moving down the Mohawk river.
Just found out today (Saturday, June 29) the optimistic outlook is for us to be stranded here at least another week, more likely two. And there is some major flooding up north with the potential for another 2-5 inches of rainfall over the course of the next 7 days.
The property tax assessor has begun to eye us up.
Locking through Lock 2 and 3 was routine although this time there was no rain, an oversight corrected as we emerged from the last Lock. As we maneuvered to dock among the tugs and barges it began to pour. Perhaps there is a subtle message escaping us here since it's rained every time we have been in these locks!
We are here along with three other boats for another few days. Two of the 3 other boats are veterans of this maintenance basin too so we all know each other. We have power and as before the walk to town is only about 1/2 mile. Once we were all secured all we could do was host a cocktail party. Thankfully there is a liquor store only a few miles away!
We will be here for a few days. Good thing too cause it gives me time to track down an electrical problem on the fly bridge.